Sunday, 6 January 2008

The graveyard of Christmas

Well, that's it over for another year. The front room seems surprisingly large again, without a bloody great tree in the corner. And here is where they go - the corner of Bay Vue car park. I see most of them have considerably more greenery left on them than ours did when it was finally wrestled out of the front door, leaving its entire complement of foliage on the floor.

Still, someone's happy about being packed away for another year.

Wednesday, 2 January 2008

Rear window

This is what I can see (or could last June) if I go up into the attic and stick my head out of the Velux and look in a roughly north easterly direction. You should be able to get a bigger picture by clicking on it.

It's low tide, and the boats are sitting on the mud at Meeching boats. The building with the shallow pitched roof to the right of the picture is on Denton Island, and the river goes round to both sides.

Where the orange container is is a ballast wharf, at the very top extent of the North Quay. The road about half way up the picture is the A26, and the white chalkface on the right is the Artex Quarry. Beyond that, the South Downs.

On the roofs in the foreground are some baby seagulls, one adult one, and an artificial cockerel, which someone has taken the trouble of placing on their chimney.